Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Maulid Adh-Dhiyaul Lami’

بسم الله الر حمن الر حيم
يا رب صل على محمد حبيبك الشافع المشفع
يا رب صل على محمد أ على الو ر ي ر تبة و أر فع
يا رب صل على محمد أسمى البر ايا جاها و أو سع
يا رب صل على محمد و اسلك بنا ر ب خير مهيع
يا رب صل على محمد و عافنا و اشف كل مو جع
يا رب صل على محمد و أصلح القلب و اعف و نفع
يا رب صل على محمد وا كف المعادي و اصرفه ورد ع
يا رب صل على محمد نحل في حصنك الممنع
يا رب صل على محمد ر ب ار ض عنا ر ضاك الأ ر فع
يا رب صل على محمد و اجعل لنا في الجنان مجمع
يا رب صل على محمد ر افق بنا خير خلقك اجمع
يا رب صل على محمد يا ر ب صل عليه و سلم

اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله
With the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Ya Allah limpahkanlah blessings on Muhammad,
Thy beloved owner syafa'at- thy intercession endowed.
Ya Allah limpahkanlah blessings on Muhammad,
As noble-noble creature, in the majesty and degree.
Ya Allah limpahkanlah blessings on Muhammad,
The noblest creature position, exceeds the entire creation.
Ya Allah limpahkanlah blessings on Muhammad,
Our Lord! Live the most correct way to (the Prophets Mu).
Ya Allah limpahkanlah blessings on Muhammad,
Heal us of any complaint disease,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
Amend Heart and ma'afkanlah, and give us (everything) are the benefits,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
Protect from being hostile to us and our Hindarkanlah of enemies that will come to us,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
We take refuge in thy castles Shielding of all disturbances,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
Ya Allah Ridhoilah us with your Keridhoan- the Great,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
Make us berkompul with thy Prophets in Heaven,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
Make us always side by side with the best of your creation,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah segue upon Muhammad,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat it and Salam Sejahtera,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat and greeting and Blessing For him and On Their Families,
بسم الله الر حمن الر حيم
أعو ذ بالله من الشيطان الر جيم
إنا فتحنا لك فتحا مبينا * ليغفر لك الله
ما تقد م من ذنبك وما تأخر و يتم نعمته عليك
و يهد يك صر اطا مستقيما * و ينصر ك الله
نصر ا عز يز ا *
لقد جاء كم ر سو ل من أ نفسكم عز يز عليه
ما عنتم حر يص عليكم بالمؤ منين ر ءو ف
ر حايم * فإن تو لو ا فقل حسبي الله لا إله إلا
هو عليه تو كلت و هو ر ب العر ش العطيم *
إن الله و ملا ئكته يصلو ن على النبي
يا أيها الذ ين آمنوا صلو ا عليه و سلموا تسليما *
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله
With the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil.
"IN FACT BEEN come to REPRESENTATIVE OF GOLONGANMU, AND VERY HEAVY HIM (Muhammad) NOTHING happen to you, AND VERY KEEPING YOU (From the wrath of God and Hell), AND HE VERY prostrate AND filial THE PEOPLE MU ' MIN,
THEN IF they deny thee, say: Suffice HELP GOD FOR ME, THERE'S NO GOD OTHER THAN HIM, AND TO HIM I surrender AND HE WAS A Mighty Throne ",
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat and greeting and Blessing For him and On Their Families.
الحمد لله الذي هد انا
بعبده المختار من دعانا
إ ليه بالإذن و قد ناد انا
لبيك يا من د لنا وحد انا
صلى عليك الله بار ئك الذي
بك يا مشفع خصنا وحبانا
مع آلك الأطهار معدن سر ك
الأ سمى فهم سفن النجاة حمانا
وعلى صحا بتك الكر ام حماة د ينك
أصبحو ا لو لائه عنو انا
و التابعين لهم بصدق ما حدى
حادي المودة هيج الأشجانا
والله ما ذ كر الحبيب لدى المحب
إلا و أضحى والها نشو انا
أين المحبو ن الذ ين عليهم
بذ ل النفو س مع النفائس هانا
لا يسمعو ن بذ كر طه المصطفى
إلا به انتعشوا و أذ هب رانا
فا هتا جت الأر واح تشتاق اللقا
و تحن تسأل ربها الر ضو انا
حال المحبين كذا فاسمع إلى
سير المشفع و ار هف الآذا نا
وانصت إلى أو صاف طه المجتبى
واحضر لقلبك يمتلىء و جد انا
{يا ر بنا صل وسلم د ائما
على حبيبك من إليك دعانا}
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله
Praise be to God who has given us a clue,
Through His chosen servants (of Allah) who has called us
Him with his license, and indeed he (saw) has called us,
We come to O Yang has leadeth us to the right path (we went summons O Prophet), and who has called us with Gentle and beautiful language,
Peace be to you from God's abundance that has been created,
That to you O Bearer Syafa'at, has made us Selected and Terkasihi,
Also in the family is Holy, as sources Yours
The High, then they Ark Fortify our Savior,
And at The Noble Your friend, the Wall Rescuer for Your teachings and Figure Modeling for pencintanya (s),
Also against the tabi'een after them, who follow them honestly and earnestly,
A total of praise praise longing Knock down Sadness,
For the sake of Allah is not played Name of the Beloved (PBUH) in people who love him,
It will be snapped happily and there goes all the hardship,
Where The Lovers, which they were willing to sacrifice the Lives and underestimate valuable things (worldly),
It is not they hear mention Thaahaa Name Al Mustafa (saw),
Then rose spirit and there goes all the despondency heart,
Bergetarlah then missed encounter spirits, and moaning begging the pleasure of his Lord,
Such was the state of the lover then listen to the bearer Syafa'at Life Journey and Konsentrasikanlah Hearing,
Consider then the traits Thaahaa (PBUH), Imam Selected
And hadirkanlah your heart, He fulfilled her heart with longing (s),
O God We Limpahkanlah Shalawat and Salam Sejahtera Forever,
on your lover who has called us To Thee,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat and greeting and Blessing For him and On Their Families
نبأنا الله فقال: جاء كم
نو ر فسبحان الذي أنبانا
والنو ر طه عبد ه من به
في ذ كر ه أعظم به منانا
هو ر حمة المو لى تأمل قو له
} {فليفر حو ا و اغد به فر حانا
مستمسكا بالعر وة الو ثقى
و معتصما بحبل الله من أنشان
واستشعرن أنو ار من قيل: متى
كنت نبيا, قال: آد م كانا
بين التر اب و بين ماء فاستفق
من غفلة عن ذا و كن يقظانا
و اعبر إ لى أسر ار ر بي لم يز ل
ينقلني بين الخيار مصانا
لم تفتر ق من شعبتين إلا أ نا
في خير ها حتى بر و ز ي آ نا
فأنا خيار من خيار قد خر جت
من نكا ح لي إلهي صانا
طهر ه الله حماه اختار ه
و ما بر ى كمثله إ نسانا
و بحبه و بذ كر ه و النصر و الت
و قيرر ب العر ش قد أو صانا
{يا ر بنا صل و سلم د ائما
على حبيبك من إليك د عانا}
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله
Then had come the news of which says, "have come unto LIGHT ... .." (Surah Al Maidah: 15), Glorified That Has preach it to us,
And light Thaahaa His servants, terlimpahkan to remember (s), then magnify the Giver of Grace,
He (saw) is the grace of the Creator, then meditate on His Word, "then rejoice YOU" ("Say: COME WITH A GIFT OF GOD AND WITH THAT YOU blessings for the Cheer"), then hurry to rejoice with the arrival (s),
By sticking to the strongest rope (Qur'an and Hadith) and try always to be in the Way of Allah, who created us,
Light Reflect light (Prophet) that when it was said to him (saw) "since when Kenabianmu?", Then his saying kenabianku since Adam As,
Still located between Water and Soil ", then you come to your senses and arise from carelessness was aware,
Then fahamilah secrets Lord is always transported (s) between the noble loins loins to the noble and elected,
It is not separate from the two groups (tribes), except I was the best, so that I was born,
So I was chosen from the elected, and I was born of a marriage that had been keeping my Lord,
God has purified (s), as well as maintaining and select (s), it is not God ever gave rise to humans like it (saw),
And with love and remember and help syari'atnya and with respect to him (saw) of Allah the creator of the Throne was bequeath us,
O God We Limpahkanlah Shalawat and Salam Sejahtera Forever, In Thy Beloved who has called us unto you,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat and greeting and Blessing For him and On Their Families,
هذا و قد نشر الإ له نعوته
في الكتب بينها لنا تبيانا
أخذ ميثاق النبيين لما
آتيتكم من حكمة إحسانا
وجاء كم رسولنا لتؤ منن
و تنصرو ن و تصبحو ن أعو انا
قد بشرو ا أقو ا مهم بالمصطفى
أعظم بذلك رتبة و مكانا
فهو و إن جاء الأ خير مقد م
يمشون تحت لو اء من ناد انا
يا أمة الإ سلا م أو ل شافع
و مشفع أنا قط لا أتو انى
حتى أناد ى ار فع و سل تعط و قل
يسمع لقو لك نجم فخرك بانا
و لو اء حمد الله جل بيد ي
و لأ و لا آتي أنا الجنانا
و أ كر م الخلق على الله أنا
فلقد حباك الله منه حنانا
و لسو ف يعطيك فتر ضى جل من
معط تقاصر عن عطا ه نهانا
بالله كرر ذ كر و صف محمد
كيما تز يح عن القلو ب الر انا
{يا ر بنا صل و سلم دائما
على حبيبك من إليك دعانا}
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله
That, and the Lord has spread about its properties (PBUH) in the book of the previous book and the Qur'an which explain as clearly as he explained,
He (God) has taken Agreement of the Prophet when have I brought to you Wisdom and Glory,
And come to you (O 'Prophet) Our Messengers (peace be upon him) then so that you (O' Prophet) faithful to him, and you (O 'Prophet) support (s), and so you (O' Prophet) to his followers,
And that the previous Prophets gave the good news to the people of their community will be the coming of the prophet chosen, then Honor Dignity and Kedudukkannya,
And when has come the Day of Judgment, the Prophet earlier run under the auspices of the Flag of the Prophet (pbuh) who has called us,
O Muslims, I was the first one Syafa'at As giver and the first pass, and I was not hesitant and slow down,
Called me up (when prostrate pleading syafa'at) lift up your heads (O Muhammad) and say, grant my request undoubtedly necessary petitions and talk I hear you talking, indeed glory Star (O Prophet) really clear and bright,
And Flag Praise to Allah the Almighty is in hand (s) and I (saw) was the first man who came to his heavenly,
And I (saw) has been the creation of the most precious in the sight of Allah, then indeed you (O Prophet) have been maintained by God with his affection,
"AND HE WILL bestow unto you (saw) OUR GIFT TO YOU (saw) SATISFIED" (and this paragraph) is a sign of the greatness of The Giver, and giving that sense it is difficult to accept it (like many miracle he saw),
By Allah re-Repeat the warning properties of Muhammad, in order to become a bidder and dirt scraper heart,
O God We Limpahlanlah Shalawat and Salam Sejahtera Forever in Love Thy has called us to You,
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat and greeting and Blessing For him and On Their Families,
لما د نا و قت البرو ز لأ حمد
عن إذن من ما شاء ه قد كانا
حملت به الأ م الأ مينة بنت و ه
ب من لها أعلى الإ له مكانا
من و الد المختار عبد الله بن
عبد لمطلب ر أى البر هانا
قد كانا يغمر نور طه وجهه
وسر ى إلى الا بن المصون عيانا
وهو ابن هاشم الكر يم الشهم بن
عبد مناف ابن قصي كانا
و الد ه يدعى حكيما شأ نه
قد اعتلى أعزز بذ لك شانا
واحفظ أصو ل المصطفى حتى ترى
في سلسلا ت أصو له عدنانا
فهناك قف و اعلم بر فعه إ لى الس
ماعيل كانا للأب معو انا
و حينما حملت به آمنة
لم تشك شيئا يأ خذ النسو انا
وبها أحاط اللطف من ر ب السما
أ قصى الأ ذى و الهم و الأ حز انا
و ر أت كما قد جاء ما علمت به
أن المهيمن شر ف الأ كو انا
بالطهر من في بطنها فاستبشر ت
و د نا المخاض فأتر عت ر ضو انا
و تجلت الأ نو ار من كل الجها
ت فو قت ميلا د المشفع حانا
وقبيل فجر أبر زت شمس الهدى
ظهر الحبيب مكر ما و مصانا
سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا إله إلا الله والله أ كبر أربعا
ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العطيم في كل لحظة أبدا
عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عر شه و مداد كلماته.
When it was near the time of birth Ahmad (peace be upon him) of his license, which, if willing it not to be deterred,
He (saw) was in the womb of her mother Aminah bint Wahb, which for him has God Glorify dignity (as well as good for the mother of creation),
Servant of the father who elect (s), namely the (father's) Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib who see the signs (gestures Prophethood),
Has happened that his (father's) Light illuminated Thaahaa (s) are then passed to the child who is awake (light) seen clearly,
And he was a descendant of Hashim Noble and Mighty, son of Abdu Manaaf, descendants of the first Qusai,
His father was named Hakiim (the fair) and his personality was famous, so proud with the personality,
And memorize the Chosen Prophet's lineage until you find silisilahnya on (grandfather) Adnan,
If it has come to Adnan then stop, (that after Adnan, many different history) and know that nasabnya continued until Isma'il (son Ibrahim) who has been a supporter of his father (Ibrahim),
And when Aminah (ra) conceived him (saw) is not He (His mother ra) felt ill as a complaint of pregnant women,
For him (Aminah ra) sheath Tenderness of God the Preserver of Heaven, there goes all disturbances, anxiety and sadness,
Then he (Aminah ra) witnessed as he knew, that the Almighty Sustainer has glorified the Universe,
With the sanctity of a baby in the womb, so she began to rejoice when it is near the time of birth moment, then the overflow keridhoan berluapanlah His (Tasbih, Tahmid, Tahlil, Takbir, 4X)
Then Came the Light The light from all directions and Seconds Kelahiranpun arrived,
Some time before dawn Came the Sun Hidayah, was born the Beloved that Venerable and Awake,
صلى الله على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
يا نبي سلا م عليك يا رسو ل سلا م عليك
يا حبيب سلا م عليك صلو ات الله عليك
أبر ز الله المشفع صاحب القد ر المر فع
فملا النو ر النو احي عم كل الكون أجمع
نكست أصنام شر ك و بنا الشر ك تصد ع
و د نا و قت الهد اية و حمى الكفر تزعز ع
مر حبا أهلا و سهلا بك يا ذا القدر الأ ر فع
يا إمام اهل الر سالة من به الآ فات تد فع
أنت في الحشر ملا ذ لك كل الخلق تفز ع
و يناد ون تر ى ما قددهى من هول أفظع
طلع البدر علينا من ثنية الو داع
و جب الشكر علينا ما د عا لله داع
فلها أنت فتسجد و تناد ى أشفع تشفع
فعليك الله صلى ما بد ى النو ر و شعشع
و بك الر حمن نسأل و أله العرش يسمع
يا عظيم المن يا ر ب شملنا بالمصطفى اجمع
و به فا نظر إلينا و اعطنا به كل مطمع
و ا كفنا كل البلا يا و اد فع الآ فات و ارفع
رب فا غفر لي ذ نو بي ببركة الهادي المشفع
و اسقنا يا رب أغثنا بحيا هطال يهمع
و اختم العمر بحسنى واحسن العقبىومرجع
و صلا ة الله تغشى من له الحسن تجمع
أ حمد الطهر و آله و الصحابة مالسنا شع
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله
Bershalawat God to (the Prophet) Muhammad
Bershalawat God and give him best wishes (3x)
O Prophet peace be with you, O Messenger of peace be with you.
O Beloved peace be with you, God Shalawat you.
Has arrived with the will of God the penberi syafa'at, which has a venerable degree.
Then an abundance of light meet all directions, Covering the entire universe.
Then a hail of idols in the temple, and tumbanglah joints polytheism.
Then dekatlah moments of instructions, and the fort kekafiranpun shaking.
Salam Peace for coming, O owner exalted.
O Imam and the leader of the Apostles, Yang with disasters indelible.
You are the only hope in the last days, the whole of creation Kepadamulah shelter from the wrath of Allah.Kemudian they came calling-call you with hope, when witnessing the enormity of the difficulties and obstacles.
So that's why you (SAW) prostrated presence of your Lord,
Then called thee give intercession, because you are allowed to give intercession.
Then upon an abundance of blessings from God, long light still shines bright.
And with you (SAW) we appealed to Ar Rahman, then the creator of the Throne hear our prayer.
O precious gift giver, O God, Gather us with AlMusthafa (SAW).
And for him (SAW), then look to us with affection, and give us everything we want.
And Hindarkanlah us from all disasters, and put away all difficulties, and lift it as far as possible.
And siramilah O God, and help us, the outpouring rahmat- thick Mu.
And end with Husnul khatimah our age, and receive us well when it returns to You
And terlimpahlah blessings of God, him (SAW) to whom gathered all the goodness.
Ahmad holiest and his family, and his companions as much incandescence light.
Ya Allah Limpahkanlah Shalawat and Salam Sejahtera and Blessing For him and On Their Families,
Benediction CLOSING
و لقد أشر ت لنعت من أو صافه
تحيي القلو ب تهيج الأ شجانا
و الله قد أ ثنى عليه فما يسا
و ي القو ل منا أو يكو ن ثنانا
لكن حبا في السر ائر قد دعا
لمد يح صفو ة ر بنا و حد انا
و إذ امتز جنا بالمو دة ههنا
نر فع أيد ي فقر نا و ر جانا
للو ا حد الأ حد العلي إلهنا
متو سلين بمن إليه دعانا
مختار ه و حبيبه و صفيه
ز ين الو جو د به الإ له حبانا
يا ر بنا يا ر بنا يا ر بنا
بالمصطفى اقبلنا أ جب د عو انا
أ نت لنا أ نت لنا يا ذ خر نا
في هذ ه الد نيا و في أ خر انا
أصلح لنا الأ حو ال و اغفر ذنبنا
و لا تؤ اخذ ر ب إن أ خطانا
و اسلك بنا في نهج طه المصطفى
ثبت على قد م الحبيب خطانا
أر نا بفضل منك طلعة أحمد
في بهجة عين الر ضى تر عانا
و ار بط به في كل حال حبلنا
و حبال من ود و من و الا نا
و المحسنين و من أ جاب ند اء نا
و ذو ي الحقو ق و طالبا أو صانا
و الحاضر ين و ساعيا في جمعنا
ها نحن بين يد يك أنت تر انا
و لقد ر جو ناك فحقق سؤ لنا
و اسمع بفضلك يا سميع دعانا
و انصر بنا سنة طه في بقا
ع الأ رض و اقمع كل من عاد انا
و انظر إلينا و اسقنا كأس الهنا
و اشف و عاف عاجلا مر ضانا
و اقض لنا الحاجات و احسن ختمنا
عند الممات و أصلحن عقبانا
يا ر ب و اجمعنا و أحبابا لنا
في د ​​ارك الفر د وس يا ر جو انا
بالمصطفى صل عليه و آله
ما حر كت ر يح الصبا أغصانا
سبحان ر بك ر ب العز ة عما يصفون
و سلا م على المر سلين
و الحمد لله ر ب العالمين
It has been my Hint for Budi characterizes Character (he saw) that turn on and shake clean it anxiety,
And God has been praised then what is the meaning of our praise and how (our praise is) called praise,
But love in the heart has been demanded to praise our Creator Option servant who has called us to Tenderness,
Then after we combined with love and affection (to the Prophet) then this is where we raised our hands were untouchable to pray expectantly,
To almighty single in Into His Oneness, and Exalted by taking the middleman who has called us to Him,
His chosen servant, her lover and his servant Leading and Best of Creation in the Universe with him (PBUH) Allah has created us,
O our Lord, O our Lord, O our Lord, For the sake of the Chosen Prophet Accept We and graciously Benediction We,
You alone Our Hope, Our Hope You alone, O sole place Appealing and Hope in the World and in the Hereafter us,
Amend situation and Forgive Us Our Sins and Do Thou God provoked Us, if we make mistakes,
And make us always run on Thaahaa teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) and ordain elected and strengthen our steps on the path that has been traversed by the Beloved,
And Show us our sake of Thy grace, Thy Prophet in his bright face with the excitement and pleasure of view Love is always overshadowed us,
And tie us always with him (PBUH) in all of our movements, and also those who followed us and loves us,
Similarly, people who do good deeds and those who hear our proselytizing, people we owe them and those who beg advice from us,
Also on the audience and the organizers, the Messenger of Allah Here we are in front of you, and you Saw Us,
And that we are expecting you, then graciously Application and Hear us for the sake of Thy Mercy, Benediction We O Hearer,
And as Helper Pick We Thaahaa Sunnah (PBUH) in all corners of the Earth, and Destroy all the enemies to us,
And Look We Love Mu and give us drink from cups (Mahabbah Prophet) and Heal Diseases that are available to us immediately,
And graciously all our intent and end our lives with goodness and kindness make anyway in days later,
O Allah Gather Together Lover-Lover We are in heaven thy Firdaus- only to Him, O our expectations,
Demi servant (s) who elected it and the overflow Shalawat always on the family and their descendants as many as the wind in the morning,
Glory to your Lord, the Creator of the Possessor of Power, from what they allege,
And Salam Sejahtera upon the Apostles,
And Praise be to God the Creator of All Worlds,

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